Episode 18: Corrections Are Not Breath

In Ep 18 we finish Section 14 and its emphasis on the difference between philosophy and worldview, which, as Heidegger says, are so opposite no image can even capture their difference for that image would bring them closer than they truly are. This distinction between philosophy and worldview, we discover, is echoed in the distinctions between world/earth and identity/self, and via our discussion of issues outside (but inspired by) the text, corrective yoga/breath yoga and natural childbirth/medicated childbirth. We wonder how we can know we’re doing philosophy (having a self, being with the earth), and look to ways to do that. And ultimately, we realize with Heidegger that “any attitude which, as ‘total,’ claims for itself the determination and regulation of every kind of acting and thinking must ineluctably take everything else that might step forth as necessary and consider it to be hostile and even degrading.” A better description of identitarianism (and its generative role in anxiety) could not be found.

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