
Episode 12: The Identity-Anxiety Industrial Complex

In Ep 12 we read section 8 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) and discuss the distinction between earth/self and world/identity, the other beginning as a domain of decision, story vs. history, self-renunciation vs. self-annunciation, how to know if you’re thinking, infinite possibility vs. historical possibility, and the courage to step out of the…

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Episode 11: Dislodging from the Worldview

In Ep 11 of Leaping Cholla Podcast we read about surpassing the objectively present determining transcendence that assumes the human being is already known, discuss the connection between Event and Beyng and what the changing of that one letter (Being – Beyng) might mean, and thrill at the urgency of feeling alien to the “light…

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Episode 10: How Remote the God

In Ep 10 of Leaping Cholla we read about the remoteness of the last god in the place of the highest decision, the possibility that there won’t be events or history in the other beginning, and the four worldviews that emerge from our understanding of transcendence – 1) as the god of christianity, 2) as…

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Episode 9: The Renunciation of the Refusal

It’s dark in the yurt, and we’re working through the basic disposition of the other beginning, realizing how to renounce the refusal of Beyng is to possess it, exploring the mixolydian connotations of Erahnung, questioning anxiety as inferential confusion, and wondering about the proclivity to call certain persons “flawed.” Available here or on Spotify or…

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Episode 8: Heidegger Cures Insomnia

In Episode 8 of the Leaping Cholla Podcast we discuss the unique simplicity of the thoughtful moment, the intimations and withdrawals in which the last god comes and goes, the importance of inkling over wonder, and we finish with the reading of a list of actions that Kirk made, called “the Heideggerian solution to insomnia,”…

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Episode 7: The Passing By of the Last God

In Ep 7 of Leaping Cholla Podcast we discuss the taking of byways through the indirectness of the effects of philosophy, the appropriation of Dasein by the turning of the Event, the empty calories of lived experience, and the passing by of the Last God toward which our stillness is disposed as we seek the…

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Episode 6: Thinking vs. Moralizing

In Ep 6 of Leaping Cholla we continue reading through the challenging Section 5 of Contributions to Philosophy (of The Event). Discussed here are the importance of restraint in determining the style of inceptual thinking in the other beginning, the trained compulsion to presence all phenomenon, the prooflessness of philosophical propositions due to the transformation…

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Episode 5: For the Few Who Question

Episode 5 of the Leaping Cholla Podcast dives into section 5 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) by Heidegger with discussions on “presencing” as Derrida explains it in his book on Heidegger, what “originarily historical” thinking is, and how philosophy is strange because it is “the self establishing and being transformed immediately into relations…

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Episode 4: The Event, SCALP, and Identity

In Episode 4 of The Leaping Cholla Podcast we read section 3 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) by Martin Heidegger, which presents his early outline of the six dynamic elements of the liberationist template at the spine of the book: the resonating, the interplay, the leap, the grounding, the future ones, and the…

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Episode 3: The Truth of Beyng

In our third episode, we read Section 2 of the book and talk about the question of the truth of Beyng, the hollowness of the constancy of Being, the overpowering of humans by a semblance of the Gigantic, and then we head out into a discussion of some of the issues surrounding Heidegger’s involvement with…

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