Episode 20: Whether, When, and How We Belong to Being

In this episode we read Section 16 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) and discuss how philosophy is useless yet sovereign knowledge, the need for meditation to de-fix from the “here and now,” how meditation thereby “necessarily becomes the question of the truth of the history of philosophy,” and ultimately how the primary question of meditation should be “whether, when, and how we belong to being.” We riff off these ideas to then discuss the birth of our new daughter, Leah’s experience with the medical establishment, and the various ways in which “institutional identification” erases the individual patient via SCALP much in the same way that identity erases the self.

Please forgive some of the audio anomalies in this episode – our computer ran out of space in the middle of the recording, but fortunately we were also recording with our iphones, so what you’re hearing is a combination of the two, and the latter half of the evening, which is all on iphones, is a bit scratchy and boomy. We promise it won’t happen again!

Available here or on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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