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Episode 47: The Age of Unquestioning
In section 50 we get a kind of greatest hits list of the main concepts of the book hereto, including the assertion that we live in “the age of...
Episode 46: Fissure, Erupting
We dive into sections 47 – 49 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) and end up finishing Part 1 of the book, entitled Projection. Herein we read about...
Episode 45: The Decision
In Ep 45 we read through section 46, entitled “the decision (preliminary concept)”, of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) by Heidegger. Herein we discover and partake in more...
Episode 44: The Cheerfulness of Presumed Amusement
In Ep 44 we finish section 45 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event). Pivotal to this section is the distinction between decision that grounds the site for the...
Episode 43: The Meaning of Life
In Ep 43 we start reading through section 45 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) by Heidegger. The topic is “the decision.” Heidegger’s goal is to put forward...
Episode 42: The Truth of Beyng is the Beyng of Truth
We finish reading section 44 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) wherein is discussed the truth of beyng, metaphysics’ perplexity with itself as “theory of knowledge,” the degradation...
Episode 41: The Armory of Confirmations and Precursors
In the first half section 44 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) by Martin Heidegger we are presented with a number of decisions – between subject and Dasein,...
Episode 40: Decision Beyond Psychology
In section 43 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) by Heidegger we read of decision, both in its standard existential-psychological-anthropological sense of choosing or preferring and in its...
Episode 39: The Land That Comes To Be
In section 42 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) by Heidegger we read how the “way” is original questioning after the meaning of beyng, how all historiological procedure...
Episode 38: The Mandate of Feeling
Sections 38-41 of Contributions are completed in this episode, so a lot of ground is covered. We read about sigetics, or the logic of silence, the conjuncture of the...
Episode 37: Bearing Silence
We rip thru sections 35 – 37 and read about the transformation from a language of being to a language of beyng, how the seeking must be the finding...
Episode 36: Asking the Basic Question
Concluding section 34 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event), we read and discuss how the basic question can lead us not only forward but back to a more...
Episode 35: The Event as Self-Eliciting Center
We read section 33 and part of section 34 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) in which is discussed the question of beyng as outside calculations of purposes...
Episode 34: The Sheltering of the Cleared-Concealed
Concluding section 32 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) we read about the instituting that is involved in truth as sheltering of the cleared-concealed, the care-taking that abides...
Episode 33: Gazing at the Relation of Being and Truth
We read section 32 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) and discuss how the transporting-captivating of truth can harden into indifference, how our understanding of space and time...
Episode 32: What Can Be Called True?
In reading sections 31 and part of section 32 of Heidegger’s Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) we hear of the self-certainty of Dasein in its grounding law-giving and...
Episode 31: The Questable Self
In Section 30 of Heidegger’s Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) we learn that meditation is necessarily meditation on oneself, that ecological self-consciousness as a calculable entity is misleading,...
Episode 30: All Essence Is Essential Occurrence
In Sections 28 and 29 of Heidegger’s Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) we read about the immeasurableness of inceptual thinking as finite thinking, the alternative rigor of inceptual...
Episode 29: Rescuing What Is Reliable Of The Earth
In reading sections 26 & 27 of Heidegger’s Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) we discover the distinction between “the rational animal” (past human being) vs. “the steward of...
Episode 28: The Shackles of Organization
In sections 24 and 25 of Heidegger’s Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) we read about the aberrant demands on inceptual thinking, sovereignty over the masses thru the shackles...
Episode 27: Can a Concept Fathom Its Necessity?
In Section 23, entitled Inceptual Thinking – Why Thinking Out of the Beginning, we read about confronting the end of the first beginning, the greatest occurrence being the most...
Episode 26: Into the Extreme Domain of Oscillation
In Section 22 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event), Heidegger continues his discourse on “inceptual thinking.” Inceptual thinking is the “inventive thinking of the truth of beyng,” it...
Episode 25: Who Is the Projector?
In Section 21 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event), entitled “Inceptual Thinking (Projection),” we read that “the inventive thinking of the truth of beyng is essentially projection.” What...
Episode 24: The Most Dangerous Question
In Ep 24, we complete our reading of Section 19. We discuss the life of those who sacrifice themselves in the preparation for the other beginning, meditation on the...
Episode 23: Self as Meditation on Beyng
In Ep 23, we start reading Section 19, entitled “Philosophy (On the question: who are we?). Here, Heidegger asserts that “philosophy is meditation on beyng, which is necessarily meditation...
Episode 22: The Powerlessness of Thinking
In this episode we read Section 18 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event), which is titled “The Powerlessness of Thinking.” The obverse of this, however, is what we...
Episode 21: Plight as the Truth of Beyng
We read Section 17 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event). Titled “The Necessity of Philosophy,” this section centers on how philosophy is grounded in “the plight.” Coming from...
Episode 20: Whether, When, and How We Belong to Being
In this episode we read Section 16 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) and discuss how philosophy is useless yet sovereign knowledge, the need for meditation to de-fix...
Episode 19: The Grounding of the Truth of Selfhood
In this episode we read section 15 and parts of section 16 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) and discuss what the “philosophy of a people” is, how...
Episode 18: Corrections Are Not Breath
In Ep 18 we finish Section 14 and its emphasis on the difference between philosophy and worldview, which, as Heidegger says, are so opposite no image can even capture...
Episode 17: The Most Remote Trembling
In Ep 17 we discuss restraint as “an openness for the reticent nearness of the essential occurrence of beyng” and “the most remote trembling of appropriative intimations out of...
Episode 16: Being Appropriated in Stillness and Silence
In Ep 16 we read section 13 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) and discuss restraint as the basic disposition of Dasein, look at how restraint gives way...
Episode 15: The Story To End All Story
In Ep 15 we focus on story vs. non-story. How do you keep a child away from story? How do you teach them non-story? We also look at Heidegger’s...
Episode 14: History vs. Historiology
In Ep 14 we go over some of the book’s core terms (Dasein, Grounding, Beyng, History), after which we discuss the distortions of Shanahan’s views on IVF as an...
Episode 13: The Strife Between Earth and World
In Ep 13 we read about Dasein as the site of strife between earth (self) and world (identity), about Beyng as grounded in the abyss of time-space, about how...
Episode 12: The Identity-Anxiety Industrial Complex
In Ep 12 we read section 8 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) and discuss the distinction between earth/self and world/identity, the other beginning as a domain of...
Episode 11: Dislodging from the Worldview
In Ep 11 of Leaping Cholla Podcast we read about surpassing the objectively present determining transcendence that assumes the human being is already known, discuss the connection between Event...
Episode 10: How Remote the God
In Ep 10 of Leaping Cholla we read about the remoteness of the last god in the place of the highest decision, the possibility that there won’t be events...
Episode 9: The Renunciation of the Refusal
It’s dark in the yurt, and we’re working through the basic disposition of the other beginning, realizing how to renounce the refusal of Beyng is to possess it, exploring...
Episode 8: Heidegger Cures Insomnia
In Episode 8 of the Leaping Cholla Podcast we discuss the unique simplicity of the thoughtful moment, the intimations and withdrawals in which the last god comes and goes,...
Episode 7: The Passing By of the Last God
In Ep 7 of Leaping Cholla Podcast we discuss the taking of byways through the indirectness of the effects of philosophy, the appropriation of Dasein by the turning of...
Episode 6: Thinking vs. Moralizing
In Ep 6 of Leaping Cholla we continue reading through the challenging Section 5 of Contributions to Philosophy (of The Event). Discussed here are the importance of restraint in...
Episode 5: For the Few Who Question
Episode 5 of the Leaping Cholla Podcast dives into section 5 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) by Heidegger with discussions on “presencing” as Derrida explains it in...
Episode 4: The Event, SCALP, and Identity
In Episode 4 of The Leaping Cholla Podcast we read section 3 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event) by Martin Heidegger, which presents his early outline of the...
Episode 3: The Truth of Beyng
In our third episode, we read Section 2 of the book and talk about the question of the truth of Beyng, the hollowness of the constancy of Being, the...
Episode 2: The Other Beginning
We start reading the book, Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event), one sentence at a time. We wrestle with what is most question-worthy and its avoidance, the assumptions of...
Episode 1: Why We’re Doing This
In our inaugural episode, we both give some backstory on how we discovered Heidegger, discuss the experiences that led to his philosophy resonating with us, and delineate our hopes...
Episode 48: Fearing What You Know Is False
In this episode, wherein we read section 51 of Contributions to Philosophy (of the Event), we definitively decide not to change the format of the podcast. as the proposed...